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Cambium Data Blog

Cambium Data has been serving the Omaha area since 2009, providing IT Support such as technical helpdesk support, computer support, and consulting to small and medium-sized businesses.

We’re Bold Enough to Make These 3 IT-Related Promises to Your Business

We’re Bold Enough to Make These 3 IT-Related Promises to Your Business

You know what they say: “Don’t make a promise that you can’t keep.” Making promises to your clients and customers can be a sticky business, and we all know that IT can be a bit unpredictable, making promises difficult to manage. Still, we’re confident that we can promise the following three guarantees for your business.

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Virtual CIOs: An Accessible Way to Get the IT Leadership Your Business Deserves

Virtual CIOs: An Accessible Way to Get the IT Leadership Your Business Deserves

Who makes the decisions related to technology for your business? If you’re the one calling the shots, can you honestly say you have all the knowledge necessary to make informed decisions regarding your technology infrastructure’s future? If the answer is “no,” we’ve got just the service for you: a virtual CIO.

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What to Do with All the Hardware You Replaced Over the Holidays?

What to Do with All the Hardware You Replaced Over the Holidays?

Now that the holidays have passed and are winding down, you may need to phase out some of your old technology to make room for the new. Maybe you’re looking to the new year as an opportunity to upgrade some of the tech your business uses. In either case, it is essential to dispose of your old tools responsibly and sustainably.

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Working with a Security Professional is the Best Decision You Can Make

Working with a Security Professional is the Best Decision You Can Make

One of the most challenging parts of running a modern business is securing it from today’s growing list of threats. If you don’t take cybersecurity seriously, there is a real risk that your business will be the next local or national headline about the dangers of cybersecurity issues. One of the easiest ways to prevent yourself from becoming another statistic is to hire a security consultant.

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A Help Desk May Just Be Exactly What Your Team Needs

A Help Desk May Just Be Exactly What Your Team Needs

Nobody likes getting big, unexpected bills from tech companies—neither the business owners who have to pay them nor the employees who might feel responsible for causing them. Small businesses face a tough choice: spend money to keep employees productive or save money and deal with slowdowns.

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IT and Security Need to Be on the Same Page

IT and Security Need to Be on the Same Page

By now, you know that every business needs to prioritize its entire security footprint, including technology. The security technology used in businesses today has a huge effect on the overall security of an organization. This means that you have to have a coordinated effort that allows your security initiatives to consider your business’ IT. In today’s blog, we’ll show you how effective organizations consolidate their security using IT.

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How to Adjust Your IT Infrastructure as You Change Office Spaces

How to Adjust Your IT Infrastructure as You Change Office Spaces

One sure sign of a healthy business is that it is growing—possibly to the point that your office space seems less and less spacious. Time to move!

But not so fast: what about your IT infrastructure? Are you prepared to move it? How does one even begin to do that?

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Have Problems with Cybersecurity Training? You’re Not Alone

Have Problems with Cybersecurity Training? You’re Not Alone

You might wonder how your business can possibly stand up to the countless cybersecurity threats out there, as even with training for your employees, it seems likely that something bad will happen eventually. This defeatist attitude isn’t necessarily productive, and it’s actually one that your team might embody if you don’t frame your training in the right way. Let’s look at some ways you should not bring up cybersecurity training and why you might be inadvertently sinking your successes.

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Making Good Technology Decisions Can Bring a Lot of Value

Making Good Technology Decisions Can Bring a Lot of Value

When a business goes into action to improve itself, it typically goes into the process thinking that whatever changes it makes can significantly affect how it functions. Unfortunately, this isn’t always the case. Today, we’ll discuss how professional consultants provide a perspective that can revolutionize how your business operates.

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With the Right Help, Even A Kidnapped Santa Claus Isn’t Hard to Fix

With the Right Help, Even A Kidnapped Santa Claus Isn’t Hard to Fix

Most of us know that Santa Claus lives at the North Pole, but fewer know that he’s specifically built his big castle and workshop someplace called the Laughing Valley. There, he and all the elves, sprites, pixies, and fairies that help him make his toys live and work to give the children of the world their presents each year.

All that being the case, even Santa and his team need a little help every once in a while.

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No Delusions Needed When Running a Business

No Delusions Needed When Running a Business

Running a business is rarely easy. There are a lot of moving parts that require attention and there are only so many hours in the day to get everything done. As technology professionals, we often notice that small business owners can do themselves a disservice by not truly understanding their business—whether that be by having delusions of grandeur or by not having the proper perspective that would allow them to do more to build sustained and consistent prosperity. In this week’s blog we take a look at some of the ways that business owners hinder their chance of success.

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Cambium Data
8719 S 135th St. Suite 300
Omaha, Nebraska 68138